Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gift of Fire p.272, 6.8, 6.11, 6.13, 6.14

6.8) One method is encrypting digital of movies and music so that only the companies can use and distribute the encryption key. This way, if people were able to copy the file, their computer would not be able to open it. This is justified because it is the companies protecting their work with their encryption keys distributing it at their will. Also, they only release some software on disks that are sold in actual physical stores. This way, there is no possibility that a person could go to the website and electronically steal the file. This is justified because it is just like food venders selling food, toy companies selling toys, etc.

6.11) Quotes such as ones found in this book are not used to steal another's ideas, they are used to reinforce an idea by stating an opinion of another person to back up the author's ideas with an opinion coming from a usually well-respected source. Also, the purpose of quotes is to show that the statement comes from another source. If a statement made by another person was used without quotes, then it would be plaigiarism, which is illegal, but the purpose of quotes is to show that the contents of the quote is not the author's own work.

6.13) The nature of the work is non-fiction, so it likely has less protection, and because newspapers are usually written about real events, the users of the websites are not copying anyone's creative ideas. Also, posting comments on newspaper articles would not decrease the sales of the newspaper company. The users are not stealing anything, and they are merely using the articles as examples to help with discussions about political issues that the newspapers do not directly talk about, so the winner of the lawsuits should be the forum users.

6.14) a.) One way would be to appeal to the company and request either a discount on the software if it is purchased in mass quantities, or ask for it as a donation to the school. Also, you could obtain the software so that it is just used at school and not at home.
b.) There are probably other options, as technology such as this is fairly new, so I would decide against using it. The reason being that schools used to be able to get along fine without advanced software, and there are probably many other teaching methods to teach what is trying to be taught by using the software. However, new software is generally faster and more advanced, allowing more things to be taught faster. However, copying the software illegally could get the school into a lot of trouble and may not be worth it in the end, especially if there are other teaching options, so not making illegal copies would be the better solution.

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